【题干】When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.
When people move to another country, they may choose whether they will accept it's customs, or keep the customs of the old country. Accepting the new customs may help us overcome the cultural shock caused by the change of environment, while keeping old customs gives us emotional support in the new conditions, by maintaining cultural link with the old country. In my opinion, everyone should accept the new customs sooner or later, in order to completely fit in the new society.
Moving to a new country may present a cultural and social shock for some individuals. Accepting the customs of the new country is one of the ways to fit in the new environment and overcome the difference between two countries. After we start practicing the new customs, we feel closer to the new community. People from the new country may not look at us as on a stranger, but as on one of their own. We would be better appreciated by the new society. People would be more forthcoming, since they would not be alienated by the differences in customs. Therefore, it would be easier for us to make friends. Also, our employers and co-workers would see us differently. They would praise us for our high adaptability to the new conditions.
By keeping the old customs, we maintain a cultural and emotional link to our old country. It may help us relieve the pain that may be produced by the sudden change of environment. Practicing old customs reminds us of the old country and often recalls nice memories related to the part of our life that we spent there. This can help us in situations when we need emotional support. Moreover, some countries have rather interesting and unusual customs. Sometimes they can even be amusing and entertaining. By showing them to our new friends, we may establish closer relations with them.
Still, it is my opinion that old customs should be practiced only during the transitional period, while we meet new people and adapt to the new culture. After that, I think that new customs should be accepted, in order to completely fit in the society. Of course, we shouldn't forget the old customs. On the contrary, they should remain in our memory as a reminder of the particular period in our lives.
Based on all the facts previously stated, we may conclude that practicing old customs helps us overcome the difficulties of cultural change, by maintaining the connection to the old county. However, as we become more adapted to the new environment, old customs should be gradually replaced by the new ones.
gt;【通用】2021年考博英语辅导VIP通关班【直播+录播】 -1对1个性化辅导(15次)