
2018-12-24 16:47点击次数:3670

1. In addition to her salary, she receives______ income from investments.
A. subsidiary
B. subjective
C. accidental
D. supervisory

2. Paleontologists’ assumptions about the equable nature of the climate on the primeval island of Pangaea are ______ computer simulations indicating that the island’s temperatures tended to fluctuate during the course of a year.
A. undermined by
B. confirmed by
C. bolstered by
D. challenged by

【解析】形容词辨析题。subsidiary“附属的;辅助的;补贴的;附带的”;subjective“主观的;个人的”;accidental“意外的;偶然的”;supervisory“监督的”。由关键词“In addition to her salary除了她的工资外”和“investments投资”知“附带的”符合,由此知A项正确。

【分析】动词辨析题。undermine“渐渐破坏;逐渐削弱”;confirm“确认;证实”;bolster“ 支持;支撑”;challenge“向……挑战;对……质疑”。由句中关键词“Paleontologists’ assumptions about the equable nature of the climate on the primeval island of Pangaea古生物学家们对原始的盘古大陆(Pangaea)岛屿上气候稳定的假设”与“computer simulations indicating that the island’s temperatures tended to fluctuate during the course of a year计算机模拟表明原始的盘古大陆(Pangaea)岛屿的气温在一年中常常波动”的对应知“逐渐削弱”更符合语境,应该选择A。
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