华慧考博复习:新闻热词——大数据杀熟 big data-enabled price discrimination against existing customers

2021-09-02 15:33点击次数:3460


According to a document published on the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, business operators should not use data, algorithms or other technical information or means to influence users' choices, hijack traffic or disrupt the operations of website products and services provided by other business operators.

Companies would also be barred from fabricating or spreading misleading information to damage the reputation of competitors and need to stop marketing practices like fake reviews and coupons or "red envelopes" - cash incentives - used to entice positive ratings.


这里的marketing在各类商战剧中很常见,指“activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service”,即“公司为推动其产品或服务买卖而举行的各种活动”,也就是“市场营销”。最近很火的“直播带货”其实就是通过直播活动宣传产品,进行市场营销,可以用livestreaming marketing表示。


经营者不得利用数据、算法等技术手段,通过收集、分析对方的交易信息、浏览内容及次数、交易时使用的终端设备的品牌及价值(collection and analysis of a user's transaction information, browsing history and frequency, as well as brand and value of the mobile device used to complete the transaction)等方式,对条件相同的交易向对方不合理地提供不同的交易信息(display unfair and varied information to different users for same product or service),侵害对方的知情权、选择权、公平交易权等,扰乱市场公平交易秩序(disrupt the order of fair transactions in the market)。

交易信息包括交易历史(transaction history)、支付意愿(willingness to pay)、消费习惯(consumption habits)、个体偏好(personal preference)、支付能力(affordability)、依赖程度(dependency)、信用状况(credit history)等。

简单来说,“大数据杀熟”可以用big data-enabled price discrimination against existing customers表示。

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