
2022-06-06 18:59点击次数:2101

13.       of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.
A To be free            B Freeing                 C To free                  D Freed
14. The patient has been     of the safety of the operation.
A assured                B guaranteed         C entrusted            D confirmed
15. Will you     this passage to see if there is any misprint?
A look up                  B go over                 C dwell on               D work out
16. The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them    .
A correct                 B straight                C right                      D well
17. Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was actually     the way .
A in                            B by                           C off                          D on
18. If we believe something is good and true we should      to it.
A hold up                 B keep on                C hold on                 D keep up

13.[考点] 过去分词作状语
[分析] free既可以作形容词,又可以作动词。作形容词时,free of sth.意为“不含(有害物)的,不受……伤害(或影响等的)”,如:free of artificial colors/doubt(不含人工色素/不怀疑)。四个选项中,[A]项中的free是形容词,用在be动词后作表语,但是不定式结构表将来,不符合句意,应排除。free作动词时,固定用法为free sb./sth. from/of sth.意为“解除,去除,清除”,如:These exercises help free the body of tension.(这些锻炼可使紧张的身体放松。)本句中的主语是the balloon,它是动词free的受动者,即“被解除(负担)”,因此作状语时需要用过去分词表被动,[D]项正确。整个分词结构相当于After the balloon was freed of the burden of ice
[句意] 去掉冰的重负后,气球升向高空并向南飘去。
14.[考点] 固定搭配
[分析] 题句谓语是被动式,其主动形式是“动词+sb.the patientof sth.”的结构。符合要求的是[A]项,assure sb. of sth.意为“使某人确信,向某人保证”,如:assure the leader of his loyalty(使领导确信他的忠诚)。
guarantee sb. sth.guarantee sth. to sb.,意为“担保,保证”,如:We guarantee you delivery within a week.(我们向你保证一周之内交货。)entrust sb. with sth.entrust sb. to sth.,意为“委托,托付”,如:entrust the child to your care(把小孩托给你照顾),entrust you with the care of my property(托你照管我的财产)。confirm sb. in sth.be confirmed in sth.,意为“坚信…”,如:I am confirmed in my faith.(我的信仰更坚定了。)
[句意] 病人被保证了手术的安全性。
15.[考点] 短语动词辨析
[分析] 空格处填入的短语动词接the passage,即sth.作宾语。look upto search for a word or fact in a dictionary or reference book,即“查阅,查找”,如:look up the time of the next train(查下一班火车的时间)。go overto examine the details of sth, check sth,即“仔细检查(审查)”,如:go over the work before handing it in(仔细检查作业后再交)。dwell on sth.意为“老想着(尤其应忘记的事);详述”,如:Dont dwell on what has happened.(不要老停留在已发生的事情上。)The principal dwelled on the traffic safety in his talk.(校长在他的谈话中详细阐述了交通安全问题。)work out意为“计算,算出;处理,解决;计划,思考”,如:work out the expense/the problem/the plan(计算费用/解决问题/制定计划)。根据句意,应选[B]项,go over this passage意为“检查文章”。
[句意] 你把这篇文章仔细检查一遍,看是否有印刷错误,好吗?
16.[考点] 固定搭配
[分析] 本题空格处填入形容词作补语,构成“put sb.+宾补”的结构。put(或setsb. right意为“使某人痊愈;纠正某人”,如:The medicine will soon put you right.(这种药将很快使你痊愈。)I used to think he was a fool but John put me right about him.(我过去认为他是个笨蛋,但是约翰纠正了我对他的看法。)因此[C]项符合句意。putstraight的搭配是put the record straight,意为“把情况说准确,弄对”,如:I was wrongly quoted in the newspaper and want to put the record straight.(我被报纸错误地引用,想把情况说准确。)putcorrectwell均不搭配。
[句意] 病人们相信医生确切地知道如何把他们治愈。
17.[考点] 固定搭配
[分析] in the way意为“碍事,妨碍”,如:The chair is in the way; move it please.(这把椅子很碍事,请把它移开。)by the way意为“顺便说(问)一句”,如:Oh, by the way, have you seen John lately?(顺便问一下,最近看到约翰吗?)on the way意为“在往(回)……的路上;正在走向”,如:on the way to the station/success(在去车站的路上/正在走向成功)。off the way不是固定搭配。根据句意,[Ain正确。
[句意] 虽然他认为自己在帮助我们准备晚餐,可实际他在帮倒忙。
18.[考点] 短语动词
[分析] 本题空格处填入的短语需与介词to搭配,接宾语it(即上文提到的something good and true“真善之事”)。hold on to sth.意为“抓住不放手,坚持”,如:hold on to the rope/ones principle(抓牢绳子/坚持某人的原则),该短语符合句意,因此,[Chold on正确。
其他选项都不与to搭配。hold up意为“举起,支撑;延迟,阻碍;举出(例子),提出(作为榜样)”,如:hold up the roof/traffic/his son as a model of hard work(支撑屋顶/阻碍交通/举出他的儿子作为学习刻苦的榜样)。keep on常接动名词,意为“继续(做某事)”,如:keep on rising(继续上涨)。keep up常与with搭配,意为“跟上,不落在……后面;了解(最新的发展)”,如:keep up with the times/medical developments(跟上时代/了解医学发展)。
[句意] 如果我们认为一件事是真善之事,就应坚持它。

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