考博英语双语新闻:高通胀和加息双重压力下:美国民众信用卡债务恶化 增长18.5%创新高

2023-02-23 10:57点击次数:2363

高通胀和加息双重压力下:美国民众信用卡债务恶化 增长18.5%创新高



For most Americans, inflation and rising interest rates are a one-two punch.


On the heels of another rate hike by the Federal Reserve, credit card annual percentage rates are already near 20%, on average, and set to climb even higher. At the same time, more consumers are leaning on credit to afford increasingly expensive necessities, like food and rent.


That helped propel total credit card debt to a record $930.6 billion at the end of 2022, a 18.5% spike from a year earlier, according to the latest quarterly report by TransUnion.


The average balance rose to $5,805 over that same period, TransUnion found.


At nearly 20%, if you made minimum payments toward this average credit card balance, it would take you more than 17 years to pay off the debt and cost you more than $8,213 in interest, Bankrate calculated.


“Whether it’s shopping for a new car or buying eggs in the grocery store, consumers continue to be impacted in ways big and small by both high inflation and the interest rate hikes implemented by the Federal Reserve,” said Michele Raneri, vice president of U.S. research and consulting at TransUnion.


Overall, an additional 202 million new credit accounts were opened in the fourth quarter, led by originations among Generation Z, or adults ages 18 to 25, and the tally of total credit cards hit a record 518.4 million.

总体而言,美国第四季度新增2.02亿个新信用账户,主要是Z世代(18至25岁)成年人。与此同时,信用卡总数创纪录达到5.184 亿。


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