
2023-09-28 13:51点击次数:3064


1. 预制菜



(3)来源1): 新华网“China's appetite grows for ready-made dishes”

"More people around me including my parents are showing an increasing appetite for ready-to-eat foods. Such dishes save me the trouble of cooking," said Dai, a resident of Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province. The rising popularity of the "prefabricated food" industry has galvanized investors into the field in recent years.

[译文]  “我身边越来越多的人,包括我的父母,对预制食品的胃口越来越大。这样的菜省去了我做饭的麻烦,”戴说,他是中国东部山东省省会济南的居民。近年来,“预制食品”行业的日益普及吸引了投资者进入该领域。


预制菜:① ready-made dishes/ meals

② ready-to-eat foods/meals

③ prefabricated food

来源2):中国日报 “Nation develops appetite for pre-made food”

It's not that difficult to make it into a pre-cooked product, but the hard part is using fresh seasonal bamboo shoots.


In recent years, the pre-made food industry in China has experienced a significant rise, characterized by a shift toward healthier and more convenient options through the development of innovative products.



预制菜:① pre-cooked product/ food  

② pre-made food

2. 核污水



(3)来源1):中国日报“Japan starts releasing Fukushima nuke wastewater into ocean amid protest, opposition”

Japanese government announced Tuesday it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on Thursday, weather conditions permitting.  

[译文] 日本政府22日宣布,决定在天气条件允许的情况下,于24日开始将受地震破坏的福岛第一核电站的核污染水排入大海。


核污水:① nuke wastewater  

② nuclear-contaminated wastewater

来源2): 国家地理“Japan releases nuclear wastewater into the Pacific. How worried should we be?”

Ocean currents could carry treated radioactive wastewater far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Scientists in some countries around the Pacific worry about its potential effects on food chains and ecosystems.

[译文] 洋流可以把处理过的放射性废水带到远离福岛第一核电站的地方。太平洋沿岸一些国家的科学家担心它对食物链和生态系统的潜在影响。


核污水:① nuclear (plant)wastewater 

② radioactive wastewater

3. 国货



(3)来源1):中国日报 “China sees rise of domestic brands, products: report”

China has seen a surge in interest among young consumers in domestic brands and products that incorporate traditional Chinese style and culture over the past few years, according to an industrial report.

 [译文] 一份行业报告显示,过去几年,中国年轻消费者对融入中国传统风格和文化的国产品牌和产品的兴趣激增。

Improvements in quality and brand image have injected impetus into domestic products in growing sectors including clothing, automobiles and cosmetics, with their popularity triple that of foreign counterparts this year, said the report.

[译文] 报告称,质量和品牌形象的提高为服装、汽车和化妆品等不断增长的行业的国内产品注入了动力,今年这些产品的受欢迎程度是外国同类产品的三倍。


国货:① domestic brands and products ② domestic products

来源2):中国日报 “Top 10 most valuable Chinese brands of 2022”

Let's take a look at the top 10 most valuable Chinese brands of this year.


国货:① Chinese brands

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