华慧考博英语学习百宝箱是华慧考博辅导老师团队根据日常授课的心得体会,以及不同学员的学习进度,提供的适合广大考生的考博英语复习素材。考生们可以复习之余,多看看华慧考博网:gt;www.hhkaobo.com 的学习百宝箱栏目中更新的复习技巧或者复习总结,对大家的考博英语复习会有很大的帮助!
就业促进法 Employment Promotion Law
劳动合同法 Labor Contract Law
公共就业服务体系 public employment service system
就业机会 employment opportunities
非农产业 nonagricultural sectors
失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment
加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes
加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures
就业促进法就业促进法 Employment Promotion Law
城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate
鼓励创业 to encourage business startups
公共就业服务体系 public employment service system
完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers
“零就业”家庭 zero-employment families
就业机会 employment opportunities
非农产业 nonagricultural sectors
失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system
劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
鼓励自谋职业和自主创业 to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
城乡劳动者平等就业制度 an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally
更多考博经验以及考博真题请大家关注华慧考博:www.hhkaobo.com 全国专业考博英语辅导机构。及时为大家更新全国各大院校博士招生简章,收集完善各院校考博英语真题、考博专业课真题等重要考博讯息。专业考博英语辅导团队精心为您打造考博英语复习计划,助力广大考生顺利登岸!
华慧考博英语学习百宝箱是华慧考博辅导老师团队根据日常授课的心得体会,以及不同学员的学习进度,提供的适合广大考生的考博英语复习素材。考生们可以复习之余,多看看华慧考博网:gt;www.hhkaobo.com 的学习百宝箱栏目中更新的复习技巧或者复习总结,对大家的考博英语复习会有很大的帮助!
就业促进法 Employment Promotion Law
劳动合同法 Labor Contract Law
公共就业服务体系 public employment service system
就业机会 employment opportunities
非农产业 nonagricultural sectors
失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment
加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes
加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures
就业促进法就业促进法 Employment Promotion Law
城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate
鼓励创业 to encourage business startups
公共就业服务体系 public employment service system
完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers
“零就业”家庭 zero-employment families
就业机会 employment opportunities
非农产业 nonagricultural sectors
失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system
劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
鼓励自谋职业和自主创业 to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
城乡劳动者平等就业制度 an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally
更多考博经验以及考博真题请大家关注华慧考博:www.hhkaobo.com 全国专业考博英语辅导机构。及时为大家更新全国各大院校博士招生简章,收集完善各院校考博英语真题、考博专业课真题等重要考博讯息。专业考博英语辅导团队精心为您打造考博英语复习计划,助力广大考生顺利登岸!