学员疑问: 老师,“我的兄弟都是大学生”这句话我写成了My brothers are all college students.但是答案是All of my brothers are college students. 请问我的错在哪儿呢?
老师解答:你写的句子My brothers are all college students.没有错误,只是和All of my brothers are college students.表达中all的用法上不同。同样还可以写成My brothers all are college students.
点评分析:同样一句中文,可以有不同的英语表达。如上,My brothers are all college students中all当作副词用,相当于completely;而All of my brothers are college students.是做代词用和介词of 构成all of强调“其中所有的”,对比some of“其中一些”;此外,My brothers all are college students.中all也是代词。